Naoshima Art Island located in the Seto Inland Sea is the home an impressive contemporary art collection that every art lover should visit once in his/her lifetime.

This small island used to be a calm fishing community until 1985 where Benesse Art Site and Chikatsugu Miyake(then mayor of Naoshima) came to a mutual agreement to develop Naoshima into a huge art space. Naoshima Art Island is divided into 4+1 art spaces: Chichu Art Museum Chichu Art Museum was developed in 2004 as a way to reveal a different approach in the relationship between nature and people. The building was designed by architect Tadao Ando and hosts artworks by Claude Monet, James Turrell, and Walter De Maria which are presented permanently. [information]The majority of the building is located…

Goldfish in Japan is considered to be the symbol of happiness, luck and prosperity therefore many people praise them and feel well being around them.

A team from the  Kyoto University of Art & Design in Japan called Kingyobu(which means "goldfish club" in English) accomplished a quite interesting project where they took over unused phone booths found in Osaka streets and converted them into fish tanks full of goldfish. Instantly those instalments got locals attention turning them into popular attraction across Osaka city. Kingyobu phone booths